Sep 25 - School of Cross, Edmonton
AB cross season started slow for me with rolling my ankle on a super steep off-camber dismount within the first half of the first loop of the first race of the season! Doh, it hurt as I limped up the climb. After resting for a few minutes, I decided to coast back to the finish to pull out of the race... catching sight of the last rider ahead, and feeling ok, I (stupidly) started chasing! It was a fun course, clawed my way back to mid-pack by the end. Paid for it with a Fred Flintstone size ankle the next morning despite doing everything I could to keep the swelling down. It was a bummer to not race the next day... and next few races.

photo - Aaron Falkenberg
Oct 9 - GP Jim Horner Cross, Edmonton
Rested my ankle for a couple weekends, then had two good races on the Velodrome course grounds.
photo - Bill Quinney
photo - Saul Ansbacher

photo Teresa Chung
Much needed help to open the bubbly!
Oct. 10 - Redbike Red Cross, Edmonton
Similar course to the prior day, in reverse direction. Seemed abit flowier. Still fun!
Shantel jockeyed Bridget for 2nd.
Oct 17 - Kelowna Cyclocrawwws
While I was in Kelowna for a super fun birthday party weekend, I took the opportunity to go into Kelowna's first cross race. Choice of categories A and B, so I went A with the speedy guys and World Mountain bike champ Catherine Pendrel.
Finished 2nd to Catherine though she lapped me, and was challenging the top 3 guys! Good atmosphere, and well organized for a first time event.
Oct 23 - Lion's Den Provincials, Devon
Course designer Cory Dickinson put in the "agitator" snail loop again. Made me dizzy going into it...
Off the start, Katy was quickly binocular distance ahead. A good spectator race was happening between Bridget, Shantel and Marg, with sightings of Master woman Sonya not far behind. We were wheel to wheel.

Devon photos - Bill Quinney
I did a horrible job leading into the snail loop. With Bridget getting by me, it was so much easier to follow good riding lines, or should I say circles!
Into the final sandpit, a stake tripped me tossing me and my bike into the pit. Bridget scooped her bike that bit it as well, with me dusting sand off not far behind. The wind was out of my sails to chase. Very exciting action for the crowd!
photo - Alexis Hillyard
Oct 24 - Pedalhead Roadworks Super Prestige, Edmonton
Next day, woke up to rain which made the thick grassy course at Goldbar nicely rideable.
Pedalhead photos - Darcy Reynard
Many exchanges of the lead with Shantel, Trish, Sonya and Marg. Lengthy sandpit section which was challenging to grab the line closest to the pond (only one guy fell in!). In the end, Shantel had a stronger finish.
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