Monday, March 10, 2025

Summerland Spring BC

Checked out the Summerland Spring water before heading out on a gravel ride. Directions were easy from After passing the Rodeo Grounds, take an immediate left after crossing the wooden bridge. Two gates to open. Close upon leaving. Super tasty water!

After second gate, the stairs down to the spring    
Easy access to the spout

Parked at the Rodeo Grounds which was the trailhead to the KVR trail system. With my CX bike I decided to explore the dirt forestry roads starting with Shingle Creek road. Hit patches of snow which were fun to ride thru but eventually tiring. This road would eventually intersect Green Mtn road near Penticton. I was amazed to see many mounds of horse poop thinking it must be a popular spot for riding. A man with two dogs I bumped into said there was a huge herd of wild horses in the area. Too bad I did not get to see the herd. 

Descended Shingle Cr road then rode west on Bathville Rd climbing until I hit wet roads. Good packed dirt roads with lots to explore.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Edmonton - Epic Mountain Biking!

My third night riding with Shantel Koenig, I managed to clean a few more bridges. Mostly attempting to keep up to the speedy Donkey, my bike just seemed to follow along.

With a low battery on GoPro... I managed to get a clip of Gold-digger, a single track amidst the Goldbar nordic ski trails... next time, better coverage!

The Edmonton River Valley trail system is more amazing than it ever has been with newly cut mountain bike trails (new to me) through out.

I know one of the best guides around if you are ever in town and are interested to check out a continuous network of trails on both sides of the Edmonton River Valley. Give me a holler and I will pass the Donkey's info to you.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Energizing Mt Shasta Spring Water & Castle Lake Road Ride

For years I drove from the north on I-5 thru California until it dawned on me that there would be a spring at Mt Shasta. Found it easily with directions... taking the first exit into Shasta.

The spring starts right at the base of all the rocks. Just walk in and fill up!
Depending on time of year, I've bumped into all sorts of people to just me by myself. Do come across eclectic people most of the time... as in this shaman playing the flute (self-taught)

This time late April, I drove from Bellingham with enough time to ride from Mt Shasta up to Castle Lake. After 11 hours in the car, it actually felt good to get on the bike and ride up!

Had enough daylight to do only one of the climbs so chose the one on the right up to Castle Lake.

At the top of the climb reaching Castle Lake. Thought I had left snow behind...

Saw these two women meditating on my ride up. I asked them if I could snap a photo. One of them excitedly gave me their camera as well. Pretty awesome place and energy with Mt Shasta in the background!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Coldsmoke Powderfest - Skins Skins Skins Part 2

Was unsure to head out to this skimo race at Whitewater Resort (Nelson) after the ice-fest at Whitefish two weekends prior... Thanks to Ema for getting me out on an AT trip up Apex midweek, I had fun and shook out a few DH cobwebs.

Found an inexpensive lift ticket for sale on Kijiji to scope the hill pre-race day. Bonus, was the ticket came with a free 2-hour lesson. Ended up with ski instructor John guiding me on wicked snowy steep runs on the backside, who gave a few helpful ski tips for the race.

Small & hearty group - photo Phil Best

Race morning was a nice cool temp -11C at the base, -16C at the top. Decided to go with lighter skinny skins with the fresh cold snow.
Dashed off at a comfortable pace up the open track - photo Phil Best
Heading into the trees, passed a few guys who pulled to the side to adjust their climbing skins which started to flail. Mine were doing ok until I started sliding back with the steeper incline. With one ski tail wedged into the deep snow, I was stuck at a steep spot where no-one could pass.
Thanks to Jeff Perron who waded thru deep snow, grabbed a tree and gave me a push out. I scraped my way up further then stepped aside to let a handful of guys pass by.

I weighted my skins down with each footstep and stabbed my poles at bottomless snowpack. The full-body extra effort needed was energy draining. I was happy to hear a "whoop" from above as one of the guys crested out of the tree section.

Next ridge section was hairy with a skins-on descent. I purposely skied down at ground level on my butt with my hands in the snow to slow the speed. It worked, not so gracefully, though intact.

First descent Goat Slide was snowy and steep. Started out ok, then I stopped sporadically with lactic acid burning quads. Almost out of the worst steep section, Martha Burley was beautiful to watch ski down making it look effortless. I followed Martha out thru the bumpy track to transition. It was interesting to hear ex-telemark pro Martha say "wow, that was a leg-burner"!
Leaders climbing into Catch Basin - photo Phil Best
Even though I had an extra speedy set of skins nearby in my outer pack pocket, I took the time to remove my pack to grab my wall-to-wall skins inside. With horrible memories of the flailing skins episode (skins skins skins Part 1!) the last time I raced Coldsmoke, I decided to pack the wall-to-walls just in case. Also, changed gloves and ate a date.

It now felt like I had 4x4 skin traction, and swooped by Martha, quickly catching up to Simon Granda and Bryon Howard who both had flailing climbing skins. Soon, I was out of the trees and climbing into the open Catch Basin.
Leaders heading up White Lightning bootpack - photo Phil Best
Marg starting the bootpack - photo Phil Best
Marg heading up and up and up - photo Phil Best
I had done this bootpack years back, though forgot it went on forever. My fingers started to get cold midway in the shaded bowl. A few footsteps fell thru the unstable snow. The darn skis strapped on my pack held my head in an awkward position making it an effort to look up. The climb was dauntingly steep. I was increasingly fatiguing slowly crawling to the top. Another energy zapping section.
Jeff Perron scraping out of the 1st bootpack - photo Phil Best
I was so happy to crest the bootpack into the glorious sunshine. The next ridgetop section was skinning up slight inclining terrain, so helped to warm me up. The views were outstanding!

2nd descent was down West Ymir which ended in the same bowl. I managed to hold my position, yay!

Next ascent hooked into a regular backcountry skinning route so it was more trodden. The sun was out and it was warm though welcome.

The bowl where we had 3 descents, left-side Goat Slide, right-side West Ymir, and middle from Half Dome - pretty epic for this nordic skier!!
This summer-time view of the same area almost scares me with seeing what rock climbing grade we were actually skiing down!
Passed another racer at the start of the 2nd bootpack, which went on forever as well. Skinning up, I could see a peak ahead. We were heading up there!

3rd descent was smack down the centre of the big bowl from Half Dome. I made the most fluid turns I could, and stopped for lactic-acid relieving breaks less than before.

Then, had one complete head over heels fall on my head. Fortunately for the soft snow, I just toppled right over back to skiing. My compressed left ribcage attempted to hurt, though I immediately said to myself "you're ok, keep going!"

Merged into the same rolling terrain towards the base. This time with speed getting air off the little bumps!
Martha on a stroll with Iliana
I was happy to see these huge blue arrows painted into the snow to guide us to the finish. More race courses need to do that!

Garmin Connect Stats: 1550m, 13.6 km, 2:43 official time.

Super happy how I managed to ski a little more fluidly on the descents, and amazing for a nordic skier to get to ski wicked terrain! The wall-to-wall skins earned their keep!

Cool Youtube video of the event from fellow competitor Bryon Howard.

Another event at the Coldsmoke festival! - photo Phil Best

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Backcountry Adventure - Apex Mtn Peak Bowl

Took opportunity for a backcountry adventure with local Emanuela along with her visiting friend Yosh. Mid-week, we parked at the top parking lot at Apex. Started skinning up low grade into the trees to the top of the highest chairlift. 
venture to the Apex bowl
From the chairlift, we traversed down, then skinned up close to Apex Mtn Peak for a few first runs. No-one else out there. Perfect weather day... maybe -5C average, mostly sunny, fresh powder on top of a solid crust. About 1000m elevation gain day with alot of laughs!
Marg & Yosh - 1st descent
our tracks!
Ema & Yosh - 2nd descent
Me, setting the skin track - photo by Ema
my ski tip, going up

Sunday, July 24, 2016

2nd L'Alpe de Grand Blanc 2016

link to RACE VIDEO

Beautiful start to the day at 22C 8 a.m… unlike the rainy conditions at last year's inaugural race.
photo Big White
New extended start from the East Kelowna Community Hall. Already hot in the sun, I found shade near the side at the front as we lined up. Double the participants from last year with 137 racers.

Map of course before Hwy 33 turn-off. Starting position was important as the switchback descent thru Mission Creek was less than 3 km away 
The group rolled out neutral for 800m. Just after turning the first corner, the orange cones marking the official start came as a surprise. The riders in the front pack were quickly out of the saddle picking up the pace.
The race began at the orange cones! - photo Big White
With a slight headwind, a one-line pace line formed until the twisty descent. Riders swooshed down faster than the usual Sunday ride pace. 

Approaching the start of last year's race, riders sprinted up the first climb ferociously. I held my own pace back of the lead group and caught up to Darrin Caruso, owner of Chainline cycles. With a few straggler riders ahead, we both worked to catch up, as Darrin bridged the gap. 

We now had a group of 5 riders. I looked at them and thought they were big guys, with my definition being they were strong flat-landers not skinny climbers.

Marg, tucked in behind 4 strong riders with
rider #150, Gary Wade leading
 - photo Big White
As we turned onto Hwy 33, the pace was constant and high. At that pace, my immediate thoughts were “ouch, this pace hurts!" and "I certainly need more of this in training” as I was breathing heavily. The lead peloton was barely seen up the road. 

After this first major hill climb, it was important to have a group for the next slight incline false flat sections. It was still another 4 km to the crest of the hill near the truck brake-check stop. I gutted the pace out.

After I took a turn leading the climb and looked over my shoulder, I was sad to see Darrin and another rider dropped off. There were three of us left. 
My typical out of saddle style seen in the distance (yellow shoes)
as we caught one straggler from the lead peloton 
- photo Big White
Now a group of four, the guys took longer pulls on the flats, with my pulls on any inclines. Flyweight did not match the power of these guys.

Finally on the 5 km climb to the Big White turnoff, I started with a nice chill pace. The straggler we caught took off. Super strong rider #150 with a Kelowna Cycle jersey set a faster pace than me. I attempted to pull ahead though he came around again. I was ultra impressed with his climbing power with our size differences.

At the turnoff to Big White, the other rider grabbed water at the feed zone. He kept with us for a short time up the next steep climb, then dropped back. Earlier he joked and questioned if we would ever get to coast!

I followed the pace of #150 as I could do no better. The headwind was nasty, so it fueled my fire to ensure I stayed with him. The wind factor added to my already ultra impressed-ness with his strength!

I quite enjoyed the speed following him on the short descent.

We caught the straggler climber again. I chatted with #150 and said “bummer to be stuck with two skinny climbers!”. His reply was super nice and said he enjoyed the company. The young climber eventually dropped back with what appeared a mechanical. 

Our pace was consistent. Every time #150 got out of the saddle for a break, his change of pace started to tire me. When we reached the final switchback hill, he told me he was fading and for me to go on ahead.

In my mind, I was thinking how I was already being challenged to stay on his wheel, and told him “no worries, I like the company!”

Lead peloton on Big White Road - photo Big White
I knew all the stats for this ride as I rode it earlier in the week. After the 2.5k switchback climb to the transfer station (high elevation point of the course), there was a fast 2.5k descent (120m drop) and then final 2k climb to the finish through the ski village. I quoted these stats to #150 who seemed to appreciate the description.

post-race stories - photo Big White
Once we finally reached the peak, the switchover to descending muscles was a teeny bit scary with a slight twinge of a cramp. Fortunately, he did not accelerate quickly. The final climb was welcome with a few locals cheering. I let #150 go finishing seconds back.

I was very pleased with my efforts to hang in. The thought to battle the wind on my own terrified me to work harder. Found out rider #150 was Gary Wade, a very strong former racer on Team Total Restoration, and I had heard "legend" in general! I was super fortunate to get to ride with him.

Annie Bergen, Marg Fedyna, Amanda Kosmerly
Annie Bergen, my very close competitor, caught up to Darrin and placed 2nd. Emily Millard, a local rider, placed 3rd with Amanda Kosmerly, my training buddy, in 4th.

15-yr old Conor Martin, Marg Fedyna, Big White Ski Moose!
Race organization was superb, full water bottles handed out at feedzones, post-race fruit, post-race meal with home-made ice cream bars were fantastic. Guy at the free beer table looked bored!

Ascent 1705m
Descent 418m
Distance 58 km
Time 2:14.49
Avs 26 kph
Mxs 75 kph

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Small Village Ashcroft Hillclimb

My cycling buddy Annie Bergen loaded up her two sons, and we carpooled to Ashcroft, a 2.5 hour drive away. Ashcroft was a major supply centre in the historical Gold Rush days. photo
On-route it was impressive to drive by the Highland Valley Copper Mine that went on and on. Seeing the sand and the water, one of Annie's sons asked if we could stop at the beach later!

On the drive to Ashcroft, we had to pass the race course in reverse. The hill climb race started from the edge of town and immediately went up 17.3 km to the top of the highway. The grading varied though seemed to be mostly 7-8%.
all photos - Ashcroft Facebook page
Around 40 people showed up. The mass start went out quickly. I latched onto the front guys and attempted to hold on for a couple km. When Conor Martin made an attack, the peloton splintered.

I managed to hold onto the even pace of Greg Timewell, a racer from my past duathlon days in the '80s. Up ahead, I could see that Emma Lujan, young racer from Penticton, clung onto the front group.
Nice to have a group - Emma, John, Greg
I did not last on Greg’s wheel for long. Greg then caught Paul Berry, then Emma who was shelled off the front group. She was waiting to work with riders. The three of them worked together as I rode solo into the slight headwind. 

Paul Berry dropped off, and I caught up to him. Up ahead, a rider from the lead peloton who hovered on the side of the road decided to jump back on course. It was Devon Moonie who set the course record last year. He had stomach cramps and was now out of contention to keep his win, so was dejected.
Paul Berry encouraged Devon to at least ride to finish the race. This pepped Devon up as he picked up his pace. I hung on briefly to Devon's wheel and laughed to myself as it was a tough pace for me to hold and it was his just ride to finish pace. I soon dropped off.
Devon caught Greg and Emma, though continued on. Closer to the finish Emma took off on Greg and another rider they caught. I finished back of Greg pleased with my efforts to keep a continuous hard pace. Devon still finished 3rd with his just finish the race efforts.

A nice well organized low-key event…

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Black Jack Slurpee Loppet

I chose the latter of at least three loppets this weekend between 42 km classic Cookie Race in Kananaskis, 50 km Payak skate loppet in Whistler's Callaghan Valley, and 30 km skate loppet in Rossland.

Small crowd though I was near a couple skiers most of the time. Led my group the first 10k loop of heinous long and steep climbs in 35 min. Starting the race at +3C, it was steamy hot when the sun came out.

After the first 10k loop, I saw one guy stop to remove a layer or two. I really wanted to, though slogged along in my sauna cave.

Taking a moment for food, I then followed a skier who had been behind me. I was gapped a couple times though caught up on the steeper climbs. The classic track was a smidgeon faster so I double poled when I could. 2nd loop was 40 min.

Into the 3rd loop, I threw in the towel with the conditions as they were slurpee-like. Let at least 3 skiers go just like that. Dropped the pace to where I could finish at a happy pace. No-one else passed me so likely we were all sloths in the warming conditions.

Tough conditions - great course!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ullr's Test Winter Tri

18k bike - 10k ski - 7k snowshoe

Small crowd of 10 riders to start including a few relay teams. On the start line, we were told to ride past Nickelplate where "Mike" would be standing with an orange flag to turn around.

The ride was mostly uphill starting from Apex village base.

I chose my cross bike with a studded tire on front and a Conti Top Contact winter tire on rear. The 29-er mtnbikes got ahead on the snowy village start. I was just back of around 5 riders. Rear tire sketched out a little on the graded snow-ice-dirt roads though was ok.
photo Hoodoo Adventure Facebook
I lost contact on a fast open descent hidden by rolling hills. Then, a few guys were riding back towards me. Looking ahead, I did not see "Mike" or any indication of a turn-around. I was at most a min behind the guy in front of me.

Too late as I was flying down the descent. A car flashing lights was ahead. He was one of the organizers and was angry that "Mike" was not at the turn-around. I was told to grab onto the car and towed back up the snowy hill climb (a little scary with handlebars swerving into the car a few times).

At the apparent snow-covered cattle guard turn-around point, I rode back toward Nickelplate. At this time, the rest of the riders back of me were caught in time to not make the same mistake.

I fumbled with putting on gear for the skate-ski leg, then off on snowy tracks. I knew the course description though was frazzled on which direction to start my ski. The course had been changed at the last minute. Thanks to Dave who said "go out Nickleplate race loop"!

Fast though not speedy snow. I caught up to one guy and kept just ahead until the end of the two 5-km loops.

Transition to borrowed snowshoes (thanks to organizers), I snow-shoe raced my first time ever. Awkward! The shoes felt like a hindrance and weighted me down. I was going 10 min per km pace!

First 2.5 km was uphill and tracked up onto Riordhan Mountain. The trail was pretty cool, though I was miserable with weighted feet and stumbling. I took the snowshoes off for awhile and was equally as quick (or slow!) on the soft snow. Put them back on for the steeper climb.

My hip flexors were getting worked, and worse my right knee was aching. Guess an intact ACL is needed! I vowed to never snowshoe again.

Finally, the trail descended. The snowshoes were valuable in their larger platform surface to land on the uneven snow. I slogged along. It was a challenge to keep eyes peeled for the correct trail. There seemed to be just enough "Ullr" signs.

With 2.5k to go, a woman on snowshoes headed towards me which confused me. She got off-track, which was easy to do, and was backtracking.

Just descending out of the trails at the top of Apex, another woman fled by me like a deer. The last 2 km on Apex snowmobile descent was steep. Took the snowshoes off to run the last 800m to the village. My feet spun out like getting off an escalator fast. Ended up 3 min back of the fleet footed woman.

Even the lead cycling guy went way further than me on the cycling section (only other cross rider). The other guys knew to turn around as they did the event years ago. Checking over the bike times, I lost at least 4 min with missing "Mike". Oh well...

I would use a cross bike again. The fast descents were scary though the mtnbikers thought so too. Just had to have faith, and two studded tires would help.

The organization is attempting to bring back an epic event from the 1990's. A downfall for the price of admission was the lack of prizing, no race token like a toque, and no post-event food... making it primarily a lure for racers who like a challenge.

The scenery is outstanding! Fun to bike race in winter conditions for a change.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Nickel Plate Loppet - Winter Wonderland

As a warm-front came in all week decimating the snow everywhere, seemed every skier was surprised at the amazing snow conditions at Nickel Plate on loppet day. Sure, the base level is at 1800m though I assumed the tracks would be glazed and temp warmer.

Tracks were snowy, temp stayed at -5C the whole time with a gnarly strong prevailing wind - perfect, except the wind.
photo - Amanda Kosmerly
The course started on the inner green/blue trails I rarely ski as these are mostly flat. Had a good start. Only a hundred metres after skiers funnelled into two bumper-to-bumper tracks, a small 10 footer climb bunched up at least 5 skiers on either side. I was quick to foresee it and ran up the middle! Put me into an even better position.

Course meanders on Meadow track before going round about in Evening Star, Night Hawk towards a wicked climb up Cannonball then a more wicked descent over to Eagle's Nest climb, flat Upper Meadow, to a couple hurtful climbs in Vindicator, and finally down Last Chance for one 15-k loop

If I chose the left hand side track, it seemed the turns always went right and I was skiing the greater distance. When I shifted over the the right hand side track, the turns then went left, doh! Was able to maintain good contact with a handful of skiers as well as a few junior Nickel Plate skiers racing the 15k.

Cannonball switchback hill climb and descent was breathtaking to race up hard, and then eye-opening to make the corners at a blazing step turn pace and stay upright! One guy swooshed by me on this descent.

Had good company up Eagle's Nest trail, slopping thru a short snowdrift section, into Upper Meadow green loop where I was then on my own into the headwind. After a few more awesome climbs and a 1 km descent to finish a loop, no-one was in sight as the junior racers finished their 15k race.
Crazy amount of double-poling in such a hilly place!
- photo Amanda Kosmerly
Happy to have the same guy ski by. We had been near each other since pre-Cannonball climb though he had faster gliding skis than me. Managed to stay in reach of him as we took the best line crossing the flat tracked corners time and time again. At the Cannonball hill climb, I hoofed off and kept my gain on the descent this time.

On Eagle's Nest climb, I had a red-clad skier in sight. His climbing grip was noticeably slipping. Caught him on the snowdrift section and was smart to stay behind him with the headwind around Meadow.

Finally onto a big climb, I hoofed and knew I had to work any descent to stay ahead. Saw yet another guy ahead which helped me work the next few climbs. Came close to him though did not catch him before the last 1 km descent.
Amazed I stayed ahead on the descent! - photo Amanda Kosmerly
The red-clad skier was only 10 sec back of me at the finish, with my mid-way skier bud another 20 sec back. I finished 37 sec back of the last guy I saw in front of me. Funny at the peak of the last climb, I was within 15 sec of him... which shows how much time I can lose with lightweightedness!

Pleased with the hard effort. At such a hilly venue, I was surprised the course was mostly double-poling!

Nice to hear Steve King's voice as announcer.

Both Amanda and I laughed at how tight the generic race bib was - first time! Bummer for the big guys! Amanda had a good 15k, and was cheering at the finish.

Nice to see other Edmontonians Taras Pojasok and Laurie Murray. One man and his wife mistakenly wore each other's bibs. He placed a few minutes earlier than me in the results with her name down. Good tactic!

Post-race food was awesome with veg chili and homemade cookies.

Test run on my race food storage… lately I've been tucking a date on each side of my Camelbak straps. Sometimes difficult to grab with gloves on. As I usually wear my Camelbak, I hung a couple dates using dental floss from the Camelbak chest strap. It was amazingly easy to grab to eat them, and the dangling dates tucked behind the provided bib# nicely.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Kelowna Apple Skiathlon!

Finally took opportunity to use my new pre-owned skiathlon boots at the Kelowna Apple Loppet held at Telemark nordic trails.
After a few days of rain and melt in the lower levels, 11 cm fresh snow fell overnight at the nordic venue at 1000m. Light flakes fell during part of the event with the sun poking out mid-way. Concerned about grip at the mild, just below 0C temps.

I set up my skate gear on a rug at my numbered spot in transition. A time chip was strapped to my ankle as I lined up for the classic start.

Classic course was 2 loops of 7.5 km before switching to a 13k skate loop.
In there somewhere… photo Telemark Facebook
The pack broke apart within the first 3 km of climbing. With the twisty trails, I felt distanced from the skier in front. On a straight-away, I gained optimism when I saw I was only 50m back of a pack of skiers. I pushed on alone.

Course followed Telemark loop merging onto Rabbit trail with its twists and turns.

Had ok grip, not stellar. On the few steeper sections, I skimmied in between the tracks on the fresh snow with better traction and speed. Glide was decent. Double-poled single-kicked whenever possible.

Managed to grab a date I had tucked under my Camelbak straps, now having gopher cheeks and breathing hard at the same time. Was glad I used the Camelbak as I drank a lot more than a little cup could provide from the feed zones.

Finishing my 2nd loop, I stopped at my race number spot in transition. Quick and easy to clip out of classic gear, step into skate gear, and I was off. The skiathlon boots finally came to good use!

Fortunately, the first part of the 13k skate loop was mostly descending down Fern Creek trail. Gave time to chill. I found double-poling was quicker in the tracks than skating in the soft trails. The long hill climbs on the soft track took forever.

First time on "Carol's Trail" which has 4 boomerang type steep descents and ascents. With the soft snow, I could barely one-pole ski or herringbone up a couple of them. Caught a few skiers towards the latter half.

The descending final trails on Fern Creek to Rollercoaster (appropriately named!) were a gong show with consecutive sharp corners. I had a skier in sight that helped me gauge the turns. A little icy underneath the snow had me shuffling my skis in quick micro step turns. I can not believe I stayed upright!

Coming into the finish area I double-poled hard past this skier only to find out there was still another 400m loop of Forest Trail before crossing the line. Worked it and held my spot.

Good effort, liked the switch-up of disciplines.